How Can I Protect Leather Goods?

If you know anything about leather goods, then you will know that they are not exactly cheap. This is why it is so important that you do everything in your power to protect them as much as you possibly can. Fortunately, here at Veco, we know just how much your leather goods mean to you, and we are here to help you to make sure that they are as protected as much as they can be. We have a range of products available that will help you in trying to keep leather goods protected.

Polyurethanic Resins for Leather Goods

If you have seen some of the products that we are able to offer, then one of them that may have caught your eye is our range of polyurethanic resins for leather goods. These resins have a variety of uses, from making the leather softer and water resistant, to protecting leather goods from abrasions and damage. These types of resins are particularly good on garments, so if you have to treat an expensive leather jacket, then you may wish to consider buying something like this.

Which Product Should I Choose?

As you will have seen, we have a vast range of different polyeurethanic resins available on our site. Choosing the right one for your needs is quite the task. First of all, it is a good idea to choose a product that is suitable for the type of leather that you intend to use it on. For example, are you intending to use it on garments, or upholstery? You also need to think about the desired effect that your customers want to achieve. Once you know what it is that you are looking for, you will have a much better idea of which resin will work best for treating the kind of leather you’re dealing with.


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