What Are Water Based Coats for Tanning Industry?
If you already visited our website, then one of the things that you may have noticed is that we have a vast selection of products that are suitable for use within the leather finishing industry. One of our products that you may be interested in, especially if you produce leather for shoes, furniture or clothing is our water based coats. We have a huge range of these products, and they all offer something different. If they are applied correctly, then they can have a number of benefits.
What Benefits Do Water Based Coats Offer?
If you have looked into water based coats for leather finishing industry before, then you will already be aware of the fact that there are many benefits that come with applying water based coats to your leather goods. First of all there is the fact that these coats offer great flexibility once applied to your leathers. As well as this, there is the fact that they promote high resistance to abrasions. By applying these types of coats to your leathers, you are able to potentially make them last a lot longer.
How Do I Choose the Right Water Based Coat?
In order to choose the right water based coat, the first thing that you need to is to make sure that it is suitable for the type of leathers that you are going to be using it on. This is because some of them are better suited for different things. For example, some coats are better suited to things like footwear, whereas others are better for upholstery. You can find out more information about suitability by taking a look at the information on our website, or alternatively, contact a member of our team who will be able to give you more advice.